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Why Self-Adjustments Aren’t The Greatest Idea

Physical Therapy

If you’re dealing with a spinal subluxation, you might try to take matters into your own hands with self-adjustments. Unfortunately, someone without proper chiropractic experience typically won’t do the adjustment correctly. Even chiropractors don’t complete their own adjustments, and will go to a colleague to find that relief for themselves. The following will basically explain why you should avoid self-adjustments.

Specific Maneuvers

Chiropractors complete assessments before making any adjustments. They may have you do a variety of movement exercises, flexibility tests, strength tests, and may also do a visual assessment. It’s possible you will be asked to do an x-ray, MRI, urinalysis, or blood test. With all these steps, the chiropractor is able to pinpoint your issue and determine specific maneuvers that will actually help.

When a chiropractor makes an adjustment, he or she is completing a specific maneuver for your issue. When people pop their own necks, they are just grabbing the top of the head and the chin and twisting. They have no idea what type of move they are completing and they have no idea what vertebra has moved into which position. A chiropractor can assess your situation to determine exactly how to move which vertebra so you can find good relief.

Different Directions

One vertebra can go in 16 directions. If you crack your neck on your own, you don’t know which direction it’s moving. You might feel that relief you seek, but it is typically short lived. Have you ever noticed you have that urge to “pop” your neck again after only 15 minutes of doing it the first time? That happens because you’re experiencing a rush of endorphins entering your bloodstream when it pops. As soon as those exit the bloodstream, it doesn’t feel good anymore because you haven’t moved it in the right direction. A chiropractor moves your vertebrae in the right direction so you feel immediate and lasting relief.

Additional Damage

Someone without experience could cause additional damage while trying to self-adjust. Chiropractors have the experience necessary to avoid injury and encourage healing. Sometimes pain presents itself in one area, while the actual problem is in another area of the body. If you try to adjust yourself and don’t know where you’re targeting, you could end up in more pain.

Contacting a Professional

If you’re considering adjusting your own subluxation, that may not be your best idea. Take some time to contact a chiropractor, like a chiropractor in Silver Spring, MD, to discuss treatment options instead.



Thanks to AmeriWell Clinics for their insight into why it’s not the best idea to perform a self adjustment.