Sports Therapists in Baltimore, MD
If you are an athlete, you may want to consider seeing sports therapists in Baltimore, MD. Playing a sport can have many physical and mental benefits, but it can also be hard on your body. Here are some benefits of sports physical therapy.
Alleviate Pain
Certain sports, like football and basketball, can cause frequent pain in your muscles and joints. When you’re dealing with that kind of discomfort, it can be difficult to perform your best on the field. Seeing a sports therapist regularly can help relieve your pain. A therapist may perform several treatments to treat your pain, such as manual therapy, cold packs and dry needling.
Table Of Contents
- What Is Sports Physical Therapy?
- Benefits Of Sports Physical Therapy Infographic
- How Sports Therapy Differs From Physical Therapy
- 3 Common Types Of Injuries That Sports Therapists Can Treat
- Commonly Asked Questions About Physical Therapy
- Baltimore Sports Therapists Statistics
- Sports Therapists Baltimore, Maryland
- Contact Lemoine Physical Therapy Today To Schedule A Free Consultation
Improve Strength
In order to be a successful athlete, you must have a lot of physical strength. The stronger you are, the better you can withstand the physical stress associated with playing sports. Your sports therapist can help you strengthen your joints, ligaments and muscles.
Treat Injuries
Unfortunately, athletes always have a risk of getting injured. Even if they’re careful and take the necessary precautions, accidents can still happen. However, if you get injured, you do not necessarily have to have surgery. You may be able to successfully treat your injury with sports therapy. This type of therapy is much less risky and expensive than surgery.
Prevent Injuries
If you see sports therapists in Baltimore, MD regularly, you may have a lower risk of suffering injuries in the future. During your sessions, your sports therapist may have you perform various exercises to strengthen your body, which will make you less susceptible to muscle strains, torn ligaments and other injuries.
Increase Relaxation
After you get done practicing or playing a game, it can be difficult for your body to wind down. This makes it more difficult to fall asleep. That is another good reason to see a sports therapist. He or she can perform various treatments to help your body relax.
What is sports physical therapy?
In physical therapy for sports, the sports physical therapist’s central focus is to help in the rehabilitation of their patients to get them back to their previous level of physical function following a sports-specific condition – regardless of their age or current ability.
In many cases a sports physical therapist will work with athletes, to aid in rehabilitation following an injury – although their treatment is not limited to professional or competitive athletes. Anyone who has been injured through their practice of a sport activity, whether recreationally or professionally, can receive physical therapy if they possess the desire to return to their previous level of ability.
In some cases, sports physical therapists are hired by teams to create and manage rehabilitation programs for participating team members or athletes.
What to Expect During Sports Therapy
During your first appointment with a sports therapist, you will be asked multiple questions about the type of sport you play, previous injuries and medical history. Answer each question honestly and with as many details as possible. This will help your therapist create the proper treatment plan for you.
Benefits of Sports Physical Therapy Infographic

How Sports Therapy Differs From Physical Therapy
There are many similarities between physical therapy and sports therapy. While the terms sometimes seem interchangeable, it is good to note the difference between the two when you are seeking treatment. While both physical therapists and sports therapists have similar education and licensing, their training and expertise are not identical. When looking for sports therapists in Baltimore, MD you can keep some of the following information in mind.
More Than Recovery
For one, physical therapists will treat any sort of injury that may have occurred to you. The goal of a physical therapist is to help you have full control over your body again without experiencing intense pain. Scheduling some sports therapy at LeMoine Physical Therapy can take that recovery one step further. As an athlete, you want to be able to function daily without pain again, but you also are hoping to regain your athletic ability as well. In some situations, a sports therapist can even retrain how you perform a certain athletic skill so that you don’t repeat the same injury twice. Sports therapy goes past just recovering from an injury but works towards regaining your athletic prowess or even improving it.
Focus On Athletes
It may seem obvious that sports therapy focuses more on athletes, but it makes a significant difference. Athletes have different types of injuries because of the strain and stress they put on their muscles and joints. Sports therapists are more trained to deal with these types of injuries and will be knowledgeable about the best ways to treat them. Sports therapists in Baltimore, MD usually stay up to date on the newest technology and best practices for common sports injuries. Choosing to work with a sports therapist at LeMoine Physical Therapy can be a great option to ensure your full recovery.
Injury Prevention
Another important difference to note between physical therapy and sports therapy is that many times sports therapists work with athletes on injury prevention. Most of the time you are only referred to a physical therapist after an injury has taken place. Part of sports therapy is actually trying to prevent injury before it happens. You might notice a slight pain or reduced range of motion and seeing a sports therapist can help you prevent any larger injuries that could occur from repetition. Finding well-trained sports therapists in Baltimore, MD could keep you cleared of any unwanted surgeries or long months of recovery.
If you play a sport, you should schedule an appointment with sports therapists in Baltimore, MD today.
3 Common Types of Injuries That Sports Therapists Can Treat
The life of an athlete comes with an increased risk of injury, especially to the joints. Sports therapists in Baltimore, MD, can help diagnose, treat, and prevent many sports-related injuries while helping athletes improve their performance and increase their potential. Playing sports is physically demanding and requires high levels of strength and stamina, which is why it’s important to address problems when they occur. Here are three common types of sports-related joint injuries that the therapists at LeMoine Physical Therapy can help diagnose and treat.
1. Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder strength and mobility are vital for athletes in just about any sport. As the joints with the most flexibility and widest range of motion, the shoulders are particularly susceptible to damage when overworked or overused. Pain, stiffness, and discomfort are common symptoms that athletes experience with different shoulder injuries, such as strains, sprains, and tears, and this can make it difficult to tell how serious the damage might be. Seeking help as soon as you detect a problem is a good rule of thumb when dealing with sports injuries. Regardless of the source of your pain, sports therapists in Baltimore, MD, can diagnose the issue and develop a rehabilitation plan to help you heal.
2. Ankle Injuries
Athletes spend a lot of time on their feet and on the move, and most sports involve running or jumping, both of which can lead to a higher risk of an ankle injury. Even seemingly minor sprains and twists can severely limit an athlete’s ability to walk normally, let alone practice or perform. The sports therapists at LeMoine Physical Therapy can not only help treat your ankle pain but also work with you to increase your strength, flexibility, and balance. In addition to promoting recovery, this conditioning can drastically reduce the likelihood of future injury.
3. Knee Injuries
Knee injuries are among the most common injuries that athletes experience for a variety of reasons. The knee is a large and complex joint, and knee pain can be caused by damage to ligaments, tendons, or bones. While some injuries may require surgery, many common causes of knee pain or discomfort can be treated by a sports therapist. If you think you have sustained damage as a result of sports-related physical activity, sports therapists in Baltimore, MD, can diagnose the cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized recovery plan to help you get back in the game.
Commonly Asked Questions About Physical Therapy
Before embarking upon a physical therapy regimen, build a basic understanding of what the process entails. Entering the process with a general understanding of physical therapy as it relates to your sport injury will help you make the most of each session. Your therapist will certainly be able to take your understanding further, and can answer specific questions about the PT sessions that pertain to the recommended program for your injury or condition.
When you first begin physical therapy you may not know a lot about physical therapy and you should know when doing physical therapy knowing as much as anyone else. So let’s talk about some of the most commonly asked questions about physical therapy, so that you can go into physical therapy feeling way less nervous.
What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative health that uses specially designed exercises and equipment to help patients regain or improve their physical abilities. Abbreviated PT. PT is appropriate for many types of patients, including those who are experiencing conditions or injuries caused as a result of sports or exercise.
Who uses physical therapy?
People who benefit the most from physical therapy are those that have acquired a physical injury with restricted motion, high pain with activity or have to learn how to do things after brain injury. If you had orthopedic surgery or you are planning on having orthopedic surgery, you will be in a physical therapy program according to your postoperative protocol in your physician’s full rehabilitation hope for you. Physical therapy can even be for people who have chronically painful conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, scoliosis or require help with just correcting their posture.
What should I bring with me to my first appointment?
This is always a great question and it may be different depending upon your appointment. You should always talk to the physical therapist that you are going to see, so that you can find out what you should bring and wear to your first appointment and any appointments thereafter. Usually no matter the type of appointment you will need to bring a prescription a referral, you will need to bring your insurance card, a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, and you may need to bring records from your previous doctor, all medications that you are on, allergies and a list of prior doctors and physicians.
When it comes to what you should wear you should make sure you are comfortable, wear non restrictive clothing and athletic wear to the appointment because oftentimes you will need to be stretching or exercising throughout the duration of the appointment. Your clothing should allow your physical therapist to assess and evaluate the area of injury, so if you have a knee injury you should bring shorts or if you have a shoulder injury, you need to wear a tank top or loose T-shirt. You also need to remember to wear closed toe shoes that are comfortable for you, preferably sneakers.
How long does each visit take? How long will I need physical therapy?
Each resident is going to take a little longer than subsequent visits, because you may need to fill out paperwork and you will have to do an assessment to track your rehabilitation. Furthermore, if you are starting a new type of therapy you are going to have a longer session. The more intense your exercises are, the longer your sessions may be. Sessions are tailored to the person receiving them so your session may be a different time when it comes to length.
When it comes to how long you would need physical therapy, your physical therapist is going to estimate your first visit and give you a duration and frequency of visits that you will need. However this is just an estimate, and this is always going to be based partially on the goals that you set. The level of function, the severity of your condition, precautions, postop or cause and any other complicating factor is taken into account as well. Your physical therapist is going to reevaluate your progress after about a month, and they will let you know if you need more time or less time to reach your goals. Physical therapy is also often monitored by the physician lessons you to physical therapy, which means that they are receiving report and also have a say in your physical therapy treatment.
Will I Improve With Physical Therapy?
Many patients will experience different levels of improvement. Physical therapy enables patients to return to a baseline level of physical fitness and overall health. Specific injuries will prompt physical therapists to participate in different exercise regimens with their patients. If an individual suffers from a knee injury then he or she may not see improvement for months. But if a patient is recovering from back pain and shoulder pain then physical therapy may produce positive effects in as little as three weeks.
Is Physical Therapy Different For Older Adults?
Older adults often have to undergo physical therapy at different paces to account for health problems and conditions that may affect older patients. Every senior citizen has different physical fitness levels. Some patients may require different exercises and forms of physical therapy due to their specific needs.
On the whole, physical therapy takes into account the whole person and not only their physical being. Physical therapy can positively affect an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Although physical therapy is not a panacea, it is a versatile tool that can be used in different ways for patients of all ages.
Must I Perform Home Exercises On My Own?
One of the most important elements of physical therapy involves developing a home fitness routine. All patients have different needs when they first come to physical therapy, yet not all patients are comfortable exercising at home. This is a skill that physical therapists encourage their patients to develop as physical therapy progresses.
Reaching physical fitness goals is often a later element of physical therapy. At first, patients may only want to learn how to improve their flexibility or ambulation. As patients continue to improve and grow over a period of months their physical therapist may recommend a regimen of home exercises.
Home exercises can benefit the patient by helping him or her maintain a baseline level of physical fitness that can be used to gauge improvements and changes. Physical fitness can be achieved by most patients, but they must exhibit discipline, dedication, and commitment.
Whether you are a competitive athlete, enjoy participating in sports recreationally, or train for physical and mental health reasons, injuries can happen. There is a general understanding of the inherent risks of injury that come with participation among those actively participating in sport. Following a sporting injury, we can help you get back to where you were prior to being injured. If you are searching for sports therapists in Baltimore, MD, consider contacting LeMoine Physical Therapy to learn more about our services.
If your abilities were recently compromised through a sporting related injury, consider reaching out to LeMoine Physical Therapy to learn more about what we do and why treatment may be right for your situation. Our physical therapists can answer specific questions about treatment for your sporting related injury or condition. We offer recommendations for evidence-based techniques to our patients to ensure that their physical therapy goals are met.
Baltimore Sports Therapists Statistics
According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, The demand for sports therapists is expected to grow by 20% by 2028. This statistic shows the growing demand for sports therapists in the United States. This is due to the increasing number of people participating in sports and the need for rehabilitation after injuries, as well as how successful treatments are.
Sports Therapists Baltimore, Maryland
Sports therapists enable those who suffer sports injuries to improve their physical and mental health. Learning how to heal and recover is an important element of physical therapy, and athletes often need additional support to face the challenges associated with healing from sports injuries. The physical therapists at Lemoine Physical Therapy can help patients of all ages recover and heal from their injuries.
When you schedule a free consultation, you can get in touch with a professional who will help you better understand how physical therapy can improve your life during the process of recovery from sports injuries. Facing a sports injury alone can be difficult and frustrating, especially for those who are dedicated to a particular sport. Call Lemoine Physical Therapy today at (410) 498-8828 to learn more about the services we offer.
Is A Physical Therapist A Medical Doctor?
Many physical therapists in the United States graduate with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Some physical therapists may have this degree while other physical therapists may have only a bachelor’s or graduate degree. Nearly all physical therapists must obtain licensure with the state in which they want to practice physical therapy.
How Will A Physical Therapist Help Me Recover From A Sports Injury?
Physical therapists understand how the body works and they can help improve many different aspects of your physical mobility and flexibility. Various treatment techniques are used to help patients regain function and reduce the pain caused by their injuries. The techniques used by physical therapists may take time to produce positive results. Every patient who participates in a physical therapy regimen should be consistent with his or her sessions.
Nearly all physical therapists assist their patients with developing an exercise routine. If a patient learns to maintain a consistent exercise routine this can help them improve their physical, emotional, and mental health. Physical therapists hope to teach their patients skills that they can use for the rest of their lives.
Do All Physical Therapists Possess Specialist Certifications In Areas Of Expertise?
Geriatrics, sports, and manual therapy are three areas of expertise in which physical therapists may choose to specialize. Not every physical therapist will be a specialist in a particular area. To obtain a certification a physical therapist must take certification examinations and complete at least two thousand hours of patient care. Specific requirements may vary depending on the specific area of expertise.
Are you suffering from a sports injury? It could have been due to a collision, repetitive motion over time, or even just a random event. Either way, you will want to get better as soon as possible so that you can start playing what you love again. That is why you should seek out experienced Baltimore, MD sports therapists. They will have the knowledge needed to get you back in action as soon as possible. That is why you should call LeMoine Physical Therapy today. We tailor our care to your unique circumstances. Our facilities have the necessary equipment and our sports therapists use the most up to date science so that we can provide the best care for our patients.
What can I expect during my first visit?
At your first visit your sports therapist will evaluate your condition. The underlying reason for your injury might have been missed by your doctor. Luckily, a sports therapist has a deep understanding of human body mechanics. They may find additional conditions that need to be addressed so that you can make a full recovery. Depending on the cause of your injury you may have been using your body incorrectly, which led to the pain you are experiencing currently. They will explain your diagnosis to you and develop a plan for your recovery. If there is time, your therapist may also start doing exercises with you at this visit.
What will a typical visit be like?
Your sports therapist will work with you on a series of exercises during each visit. These can range from warming up on a stationary bicycle to lifting weights to doing small ranges of motion with a rubber band. These exercises will help increase your strength and mobility. Your sports therapist may use additional treatments including traction, joint mobilization, heat and ice therapy, massage, light therapy, and other techniques. If you have questions about your treatment, don’t hesitate to ask your sports therapist questions. Good Baltimore, MD sports therapists from a practice like LeMoine Physical Therapy will take the time to answer your questions and make sure that you fully understand everything.
A couple hours a week doesn’t seem like enough? How will I get better?
You’re absolutely right. You will likely notice improvements as you progress through each session, but to realize real gains you will need to do exercises at home as well. Make sure that you fully understand the exercises before going home and practicing them. If you are doing them incorrectly, you won’t see the improvements you are expecting and you could even cause further injury. There will be some exercises that you only do with your sports therapist, particularly those that are complex or very challenging. They will understand what you are capable of and will push you so that you recover to the fullest extent possible.
You shouldn’t let an injury stop you from playing the sports you love and living an active lifestyle. Call us at LeMoine Physical Therapy today to schedule an appointment with our Baltimore, MD sports therapists so we can get you back in the game.
Contact Lemoine Physical Therapy Today To Schedule A Free Consultation
Physical therapy is a tool that can benefit anyone who is recovering from a sports injury. Contact the sports therapists at Lemoine Physical Therapy today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts. Call the office at (410) 498-8828 today to speak to one of our representatives and learn more about the services we offer.
At LeMoine Physical Therapy, we provide only the best physical therapy services and evidence-based techniques to our patients to ensure that their physical therapy goals are met. Our team is made up of friendly, outgoing and knowledgeable people who always greet you with a smile. We truly care about our patients and their families. When you become a patient at LeMoine Physical Therapy, you become a member of our physical therapy family!