Orthopedics is a medical approach that is designed to preserve and restore function in the musculoskeletal system, including joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves. Manual physical therapy is a form of treatment that utilizes hands-on techniques to make corrections within the body. When receiving Baltimore, MD orthopedic physical therapy, we may use joint or muscle manipulation, joint mobilization, and muscle kneading to increase range of motion, reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, and promote efficient healing. At LeMoine Physical Therapy, it is our philosophy to be dedicated to every client that comes to us. It is our mission to provide healthcare to those who are on a health, well-being, or fitness journey. We take the time to get to know you so that our care plans are best suited for you. Please contact us today to learn more!
Why Our Services Are Different
Dr. Greg LeMoine, PT DPT began this practice in 2007 with a physical therapy center in Rosedale. From there, his vision grew to provide the principles of quality care from an experienced and friendly team. Our clinic is known for being a caring and fun environment that helps patients get out of a period of pain and back to doing the things that they love the most. Your needs are our top priority. We treat our patients just as if they were any other family member, and strive to give them orthopedic care that is of comfort and quality. We are available 6 days per week and have convenient appointment times between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about Baltimore orthopedic physical therapy, we would love to hear from you!
How Orthopedic Physical Therapy Benefits
If you have a physical condition or injury that causes you persistent pain, limited range of motion, or balance and coordination issues, then it may be time to consider orthopedic treatments. There are many benefits involved with this type of treatment. We have found that through our approach, many of our patients experience decreased pain, less inflammation, and overall an improved mood simply because they just feel better. Signs that it may be time to consider seeking orthopedic physical therapy treatments are listed below:
- Chronic pain
- Back pain
- Arthralgia
- Sports injury
- Fractures
- Hip pain
- Knee pain
- Shoulder problems
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Rotator cuff tears
- Surgery recovery
- Intense and sharp pain
- Ongoing conditions
LeMoine Physical Therapy
At LeMoine Physical Therapy, we know that living in pain and discomfort can affect how you feel in your everyday life and impact your personal relationships. You may not be able to do the same things that you once enjoyed because you have physical conditions that cause you to ache. But please rest assured that our Baltimore orthopedic physical therapy approaches can help you feel better. We are fully committed to helping you become the best version of yourself that you envision, which is someone who has less pain and other symptoms. Let us know what physical ailments you were dealing with so that we can tailor a care plan to meet your needs. We are ready to speak with you today to get started!