Physical Therapy Baltimore, MD

7 Reasons to Consider Telehealth Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Telehealth makes it possible for individuals to see and chat in real-time video with their Physical Therapists through the use of computers, smartphones, or tablets. Telehealth offers real advantages to patients and is becoming a popular option that enables patients to see and talk to their health care providers, including a growing number of PTs, from the comfort, safety, and convenience of their home.

Here are a few considerations and benefits of telehealth physical therapy:

  1. Accessibility: Telehealth can help you stay connected with your physical therapist after initial in-person visits. Telehealth may also increase your ability to connect and with a PT who is experienced in treating people with your condition who may not be near you. It also can help people who live in areas where access to physical therapy is lacking or people who have difficulty leaving their homes.  It serves as an opportunity to ask questions, to receive direct feedback on your exercises, and to advance your home exercise program as needed to keep you on the right path to recovery.
  1. Home safety and comfort: If falling or your health is a concern, a virtual telehealth appointment with your PT is an opportunity to discuss ways to improve the safety of your home. Your physical therapist also can discuss what you should do if you fall or having safety concerns.
  1. Improved assessment: During a private telehealth visit, you will work one-on-one with your PT, without distractions. You also can involve family members or caregivers in your appointment, if you like in the safety of your home. Telehealth can give your PT an advantage because they can see you in your home environment.  Physical therapists can observe you and assess your ability to navigate and take care of yourself in your home.
  1. Successful outcomes: Patients who take part in telehealth physical therapy are more likely to stick to their home exercise programs and achieving your PT goals. Your PT can provide you a safe and effective home exercise program to do at home based on your specific needs and goals. Sticking to your exercise prescription is a crucial part of your short and long-term success.
  1. Efficiency: There’s no waiting room and travel time! And after your telehealth appointment, you can quickly get back to what you were doing at home/work without having to spend time on the road. Telehealth works well for all people. We know that time is a valuable asset that hard to come by these days.
  1. Transportation: No need to drive to your PT appointment! A telehealth appointment reduces the burden of commuting to and from your PT appointments. Telehealth works well for all patients, those you don’t have a vehicle or easy access to transportation to those who have home demands such as caring for a child or elder family member.
  1. Control of infectious illness: To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, flu, and other infectious diseases, PTs can use telehealth appointments to prescreen patients for possible infectious disease. It also saves sick people from having to come in to the office. Less exposure to other people’s germs helps everyone, especially those who are chronically ill, pregnant, elderly or immunocompromised.

Studies show that telehealth physical therapy can result in equal or better outcomes.

The majority of patients who have participated in telehealth physical therapy were satisfied with their experience and would do it again. Patients expressed feeling connected and supported by their telehealth physical therapist. Having this support at home while going through rehabilitation is important for a success outcome.

Participate in telehealth physical therapy.

People of all ages with a variety of symptoms and medical conditions may be suitable for telehealth. A few examples of conditions for which a PT can help you virtually include:

  • Safety and balance.
  • Pre and post-operative care.
  • Managing of chronic pain.
  • Other conditions your PT determines are appropriate for telehealth.

Laws governing the use of telehealth services vary by state, so check with your PT and insurance company.

Considerations for telehealth physical therapy.

Telehealth may or may not be available in your area or may not be covered by your insurance provider. Additionally, for your initial PT evaluation, you likely will need to meet in person with your physical therapist to determine if telehealth physical therapy is the right approach for you.

Generally, you will need an email address and access to a computer or device that has a video camera and microphone such as your mobile phone or tablet. If your PT offers telehealth services, they will supply more details and instructions.  Your PT will answer any questions or concerns you may have.

To advocate for telehealth physical therapy services for Medicare/Medicaid recipients, tell Congress to waive restrictions.

If you have questions about how telehealth and physical therapy may help you or someone you care about, please don’t hesitate to ask your health care provider or contact LeMoine Physical Therapy of Rosedale, Maryland at 410-918-0080 or visit for information.

10 Reasons Why Physical Therapy is Beneficial

Physical Therapy Baltimore, MD

Physical therapy helps people of all ages and should be the first choice of treatment for people who have medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that limit their regular ability to move and function. People with chronic pain or restrict mobility can benefit greatly from physical therapy.

A customized physical therapy program can help individuals return to their prior level of functioning and encourage activities and lifestyle changes that can help prevent further injury and improve overall health and well-being. Primary care doctors often refer patients to physical therapy Baltimore, MD recommends at the first sign of a problem since it is considered a conservative approach to managing such problems.

Here are 10 ways physical therapy may benefit you:

  1. Manage pain. Chronic pain can be one of the most frustrating conditions to experience, especially if the underlying cause is unknown.  However, physical therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises can help mobilize your joints and soft tissue and restore muscle function, reducing aches or eliminating pain altogether. Therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques such as joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments such as ultrasound, taping or electrical stimulation can help relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function to reduce pain. When patients continue to perform the prescribed physical therapy plan, such therapies can also prevent pain from returning.
  2. Prevent injuries. One of the key aspects of physical therapy involves assessing the weak areas in the patient’s body and formulating a PT plan that helps strengthen these vulnerable points. A physical therapist can evaluate and analyze how likely it is that a patient will suffer injury and create an exercise program that targets and strengthens weak muscle groups and joints, thus preventing future injuries in these areas.
  3. Help avoid surgery.If physical therapy helps you eliminate pain or heal from an injury, surgery may not be needed.  While surgery is unavoidable in some cases, you may benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy to help reduce complications of surgery. If you are going into a surgery stronger and in better shape, you will recover faster afterwards in many cases. Furthermore, by avoiding surgery, health care costs are greatly reduced.
  4. Improve mobility and balance.No matter your age, if you’re having trouble standing, walking or moving, physical therapy can help. Stretching and strengthening exercises help restore your ability to move. Physical therapists can properly develop   therapeutic exercises to restore mobility, making walking and moving around safer and help balance in patients who ae at high risk for falls. By customizing an individual care plan, whatever activity that is important to an individual’s life can be practiced and adapted to ensure maximal performance and safety.
  5. Recover from stroke.It is common to lose some degree of function and movement after stroke. Physical therapy can help strengthen the body’s weak areas and improve gait and balance. Physical therapists can also improve stroke patients’ to be more independent around the home, reducing their burden of care for bathing, dressing, and other daily activities.
  6. Help prevent dependence in pain medication. Frequently, individuals who undergoes surgery end up having a dependence on their pain medications (mainly opiods) to help them manage their pain issues. Physical therapy is often a great safe alternative choice to address the pain issues from surgery. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes this significant issues facing Americans and recommends using physical therapy instead of pain medications like opioids.
  7. Recover from or prevent sports injury.Physical therapists understand how different sports can increase your risk for specific types of injuries (for example, stress fractures for runners). They can design appropriate recovery or prevention exercise programs for you to ensure a safe return to your sport, including improving circulation, strengthen muscles and flexibility.
  8. Improve your balance and prevent falls. When you begin physical therapy, among other things, you will get screened for fall risk. If you’re at high risk for falls, your physical therapist will provide exercises that safely and carefully challenge your balance as a way to mimic real-life situations. Therapists also help you with exercises to improve coordination and assistive devices to help with safer walking. When the balance problem is caused by a problem in one’s vestibular system, Physical therapists can perform specific maneuvers that can quickly restore proper vestibular functioning, and reduce and eliminate symptoms of dizziness or vertigo.
  9. Manage age-related issues. As individuals age, they may develop arthritis or osteoporosis or need a joint replacement. Physical therapists are experts in helping patients recover from joint replacement, and manage arthritic or osteoporotic conditions conservatively.
  10. Manage heart and lung disease.Physical therapy can often individuals recovering from heart attack through cardiac and lung rehabilitation if their daily functioning is affected. Stretching and conditioning exercises may increase your blood circulation. Heart patients often undergo lots of shocks. Physical therapy helps in complete body rehabilitation.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), a physical therapist is a trained and licensed medical professional with experience in diagnosing physical abnormalities, restoring physical function and mobility, maintaining physical function, and promoting physical activity and proper function.

If you have questions about how physical therapy may help you or someone you care about, please don’t hesitate to ask your health care provider or contact LeMoine Physical Therapy of Rosedale, Maryland at 410-918-0080 or visit  for information.

Why Self-Adjustments Aren’t The Greatest Idea

Physical Therapy

If you’re dealing with a spinal subluxation, you might try to take matters into your own hands with self-adjustments. Unfortunately, someone without proper chiropractic experience typically won’t do the adjustment correctly. Even chiropractors don’t complete their own adjustments, and will go to a colleague to find that relief for themselves. The following will basically explain why you should avoid self-adjustments.

Specific Maneuvers

Chiropractors complete assessments before making any adjustments. They may have you do a variety of movement exercises, flexibility tests, strength tests, and may also do a visual assessment. It’s possible you will be asked to do an x-ray, MRI, urinalysis, or blood test. With all these steps, the chiropractor is able to pinpoint your issue and determine specific maneuvers that will actually help.

When a chiropractor makes an adjustment, he or she is completing a specific maneuver for your issue. When people pop their own necks, they are just grabbing the top of the head and the chin and twisting. They have no idea what type of move they are completing and they have no idea what vertebra has moved into which position. A chiropractor can assess your situation to determine exactly how to move which vertebra so you can find good relief.

Different Directions

One vertebra can go in 16 directions. If you crack your neck on your own, you don’t know which direction it’s moving. You might feel that relief you seek, but it is typically short lived. Have you ever noticed you have that urge to “pop” your neck again after only 15 minutes of doing it the first time? That happens because you’re experiencing a rush of endorphins entering your bloodstream when it pops. As soon as those exit the bloodstream, it doesn’t feel good anymore because you haven’t moved it in the right direction. A chiropractor moves your vertebrae in the right direction so you feel immediate and lasting relief.

Additional Damage

Someone without experience could cause additional damage while trying to self-adjust. Chiropractors have the experience necessary to avoid injury and encourage healing. Sometimes pain presents itself in one area, while the actual problem is in another area of the body. If you try to adjust yourself and don’t know where you’re targeting, you could end up in more pain.

Contacting a Professional

If you’re considering adjusting your own subluxation, that may not be your best idea. Take some time to contact a chiropractor, like a chiropractor in Silver Spring, MD, to discuss treatment options instead.



Thanks to AmeriWell Clinics for their insight into why it’s not the best idea to perform a self adjustment.